Sulcorebutia langeri
Choice pectinate-spined miniature from Bolivia. Sunny yellow flowers (in profusion in spring) larger than the tiny bodies. Easy to grow, water moderately in warm weather, much less in winter.
4.Indoors OK, Outdoors OK only if protected from winter rain.
Sulcorebutia langeri (w1218)
Choice pectinate-spined miniature from Bolivia. Sunny yellow flowers (in profusion in spring) larger than the tiny bodies. Easy to grow, water moderately in warm weather, much less in winter.
Pot diameter: 14 cms
Sulcorebutia langeri (w3113)
12 heads (August 2013)
Width: 5 cms Height: 3 cms Pot diameter: 9 cms
Sulcorebutia langeri (w3114)
19 heads (August 2013)
Width: 5 cms Height: 3 cms Pot diameter: 9 cms