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Aloe plicatilis (w2159)

The pic/s tell the story.

Width: 110 cms Height: 75 cms Pot diameter: 45 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



Aloe plicatilis (w2142)

The pic/s tell the story.

Width: 110 cms Height: 80 cms Pot diameter: 45 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



Aloe plicatilis (w2158)

The pic/s tell the story.

Width: 90 cms Height: 75 cms Pot diameter: 28 cms

Shippable only within Auckland



Magnificent plant in a patio tub.
A plant like this throws a superb shadow when floodlit onto a wall.
Plicatilis has one of the larger Aloe flowers.
Huge plant 50 years old in an Auckland garden.
Big seedlings in 13 lt tubs are just getting their second fans.