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Sansevieria francisii

Another brilliant Kenyan runner. Forms choice small spiky rosettes best grown in bright light for tighter form. Later elongates and sends down pandanus-like walking legs. Unproven outdoors.

4.Indoors OK, Outdoors OK only if protected from winter rain.

Flowering plant in 15cm pot, can flower when even smaller!
Later you might get a pentecostal sort of attitude.
The centre plant will grow like the right plant in bright light, or like the left plant in shade.
Closeup of flowers, sweetly scented in the late (afternoon?).
Flowering plant in 15cm pot, can flower when even smaller!
Later you might get a pentecostal sort of attitude.
The centre plant will grow like the right plant in bright light, or like the left plant in shade.
Closeup of flowers, sweetly scented in the late (afternoon?).