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Pachypodium saundersii (w3308)

Cutting grown. Cuttings fatten very nicely!! Surprising but true.

Width: 7 cms Height: 17 cms Pot diameter: 11 cms




Pachypodium saundersii (w3309)

Cutting grown. Cuttings fatten very nicely!! Surprising but true.

Width: 6 cms Height: 21 cms Pot diameter: 11 cms




Pachypodium saundersii (w3310)

Cutting grown. Cuttings fatten very nicely!! Surprising but true.

Width: 8 cms Height: 21 cms Pot diameter: 11 cms




Pachypodium saundersii (w3311)

Cutting grown. Cuttings fatten very nicely!! Surprising but true.

Width: 6 cms Height: 16 cms Pot diameter: 11 cms




Big-based old plant.
Historic moment here captured, the first ever Web Specimen in our earlier website.
Cutting grown plant.
Plant flowering for its first time.
Pair of seed pods.
Freakish threeway seedpod, anyone remember the Furry Freak Brothers?
More typical format, two only, bursting into the moonlight.
This plant is very wide on the greenhouse bench.....
....until it got the snip!
The scene of carnage. These branch cuts can be grown by the way.
Young plant.