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Conophytum minimum 'wittebergense'

Previously known as C. wittebergense, this tiny plant is one of the most beautifully patterned. Small white flowers are nocturnal and highly scented. Indoors only in bright light. Keep dry summer to mid-autumn.

7.Winter grower. Needs water in winter, not summer.

One of the very best of Conophytums.
Flowers are nocturnal and scented.
Bodies in summer lie dormant, sheathed within the old leaves.
Breaking dormancy: late summer, swelling and sheath-shedding.
Happy in a tiny hole in a rock. Rock in palm, note.
One of the very best of Conophytums.
Flowers are nocturnal and scented.
Bodies in summer lie dormant, sheathed within the old leaves.
Breaking dormancy: late summer, swelling and sheath-shedding.
Happy in a tiny hole in a rock. Rock in palm, note.